Agenda is preliminary and subject to change.

Wednesday, 9 September, 2020

1:00 PM - 1:15 PM (BST)
Introduction and Executive Welcome
1:15 PM - 1:35 PM (BST)
Accelerated Digital Transformation in 2020

During this session ACI’s Debbie Guerra and David Mitzenmacher will discuss the changes and trends ACI is seeing in the market.

1:35 PM - 2:00 PM (BST)
Customer & Partner Panel: How Digital Transformation is Redefining Payments

The conversation continues as ACI’s Andrew Quartermaine moderates a panel of industry leaders.  They will take a closer look at some of the transformational trends and drivers that are reshaping payments.

2:00 PM - 2:15 PM (BST)
Payments Innovation: How ACI is equipping you to respond to these changes

ACI solution owners, Benny Tadele and Fabian Gloerfeld will switch gears and review where ACI is investing, to support and enable the accelerated digital transformation underway.  They will talk about ACI’s investments in four key areas; supporting payment choice, optimizing payment acceptance, improving your user experience and enhancing security.

2:15 PM - 2:20 PM (BST)
2:20 PM - 3:00 PM (BST)
TABLE 1: Roundtable Conversations

Discussion topics include:
- Creating New Customer Payment Journeys
- Industry Changes and Consolidation: A New Era of Payments

Only ACI Worldwide customers and solution partners are permitted to attend Roundtable Conversations.

TABLE 2: Roundtable Conversations

Discussion topics include:
- Machine Learning as Part of the Fraud Prevention Toolkit
- The Compliance Landscape

Only ACI Worldwide customers and solution partners are permitted to attend Roundtable Conversations.

3:00 PM - 3:05 PM (BST)
3:05 PM - 3:25 PM (BST)
Keynote - Next Generation Digital: How Changing Consumer Behaviour Is Driving Digital Transformation

During this session Forrester’s Michelle Beeson will explore how changing consumer behaviour is accelerating the drive for digital transformation.  She will focus on three key areas:

  • How empowered consumer expectations and behaviours are changing.
  • The importance of channel agnostic customer experiences
  • Considerations for communicating, engaging and selling to consumers across multiple touchpoints.
3:25 PM - 3:30 PM (BST)
Closing Remarks